Seven Perfumes Snow Skin with Martell Cordon Bleu Cognac Truffle with White Lotus Paste $68 for 8 mini mooncakesLet's be very honest, Mooncakes are a great way to make money. Really. I mean how much does Lotus Paste (Ling Yong) really cost? If you can buy (Ling Yong) pau for 50 cents, why does each Mooncake have to cost $8? And if Ling Yong really costs that much, how come you have to pay like an extra $6 to put 4 egg yolks into the mooncake thus reducing the amount of Ling Yong? And salted eggs aren't that expensive either. It would be much cheaper if you bought some salted eggs and ate them with the Mooncakes. But culturally, we have all grown accustomed to paying this type of money for something that we buy once every year. If Mooncakes were really all that great to eat, wouldn't some smart entrepreneur manufacture them all year round like what they do with Bak Chang? If that happens than I am sure the price of a Mooncake off-season would be less than $4 each.
That's beside the point. If you think that Singaporeans are all about getting everything cheap and good, then you have missed another equally important characteristic of the Singaporean persona. And that character trait hovers somewhere between "Not losing face" to downrright "Hao Lian" (Show off). Yep, even though we want everything cheap and good, we want other people to think that we bought it expensive, especially when you need to impress someone like your potential Mother-in-Law.
 The St Regis Premium Gift Set $98
So for those young studs out there, I think I speak for the older, married guys when I say that in our Singaporean context, one of the secrets of wooing your potential life partner is to win the heart of your Mother-in-Law-TO-BE. Now, of course there are a lot of ways that can be done. The difficult way is to spend many years studying hard to become a Doctor or Lawyer, although nowadays a dotcom Entrepreneur or Banker also can. The easier way is to buy gifts that show that you are a man who wouldn't care less about splurging on something expensive for the all important Mother of your intended life partner.
 Almond Snow Skin with Premium Bird's Nest and Custard Paste $228 for 8 mini mooncakes
So if you are in that boat at the moment, here is one suggestion for you. For this mooncake festival, forget about the $38 run of the mill mooncakes. You want to really impress the future Grandmother of your kids, go for the $68 Seven Perfumes Snow Skin with Martell Cordon Bleu Cognac Truffle with White Lotus paste. By the time you finish trying to tell her the name of the mooncake, the whole thing might already be ingested, so just make she hears the word "Martell" very clearly.
Now, if you want to be granted immediate permenant residence in your in-law's house, do the Singaporean thing and be a bit more Kiasu. Why stop at $68 when you can go for the ultimate Kiasu gift? For a princely $228, you can land yourself some Almond Snow Skin with Premium Bird's Nest and Custard Paste mooncakes and really send her over the moon. This one sure to score the winning goal since it not only has the word "Bird's Nest" in it, it is also gilded with a leaf of pure Gold to ensure that Aunty will be relating the story of your filial piety to your kids. Rest assured, the words "Bird's Nest" and "Gold" still possess mysterious powers over Mother-in-laws and is as good as saying "Aunty, may I have your daughter's hand in marriage? But before that can I come to your house more often?"
So in order to complete my National Duty of supporting PM Lee's call to "get married and multiply", it leaves me to reveal to you just where you can get your hands on one of these "Bao Nya" (Sure Win) Mooncakes. They are available from St Regis Hotel and if you want to memorize the details of the ingredients, you can log onto their website to read more about it.
Now, coming down to the taste. You really cannot compare these mooncakes with anything else. The taste of Bird's Nest and Gold you all should know right? But then again you are buying this to impress, not really for the taste right? 4.5
Of the eight different mooncakes that Amagada and I tried, the one we enjoyed most was the Almond Snow Skin with Advocaat Egg Liqueur Truffle and Black Sesame Paste. I think the Advocaat Egg Liqueur is a nice variation of the salted egg. It is savoury but not as salty as the salted egg yolk and has a nice smooth consistency and the sesame paste is quite special too. At $42 per box it seems like quite a bargain compared to the other flavours. 4.5.5
Somethings you buy when you really want to impress. This is one of them. Just make sure you subtly attach the order form so that your Mother-in-Law-TO-BE knows how much they really cost. The last thing you want is that she thinks it is only $30 per box. This might be the most expensive box of Mooncakes you would ever need to buy but as the credit card Ad says, the result is priceless. Just make sure you get married quickly or else next year you will have to top this year's feat!
Lobby booth at The St Regis Singapore 29 Tanglin Road S(247911) 65066866 Mon to Sun 11am to 9pm
Also available at the St Regis Retail Booth at Change Alley Mon - Fri 11am to 7pm
Disclosure: My box of Mooncakes was provided by St Regis.
Today's Lunch Pick is Geylang Claypot Rice!
Mini Oreocheesecake $26.80 (8 pieces)When you were young, were you ever told that that moon was made of cheese? Well, it so happens that this particular Moon-cake is made out of cheese-cake. Yeah yeah its corny, but what do you expect at 2am in the morning? Anyway, with the Mooncake festival just 2 weeks away, it's time to look at some Mooncakes. Now, unlike our reporter friends from the media, I don't have the luxury of tasting all the fine hotel mooncakes and write about them all in the one article. So I just write about whatever comes my way which is noteworthy. And one of the more noteworthy ones I have come across recently are the ones by our good friends at D'bun.
Nowadays, people are putting all sorts of stuff into Mooncakes and it is not unusual for find truffles and fine belgian chocolates in Mooncakes. Which begs the question, when is a Mooncake a Mooncake? I guess you can call anything a Mooncake if it is covered with thin pastry and has been molded into the "Mooncake" shape.
So yes, you can mold Snowskin over Oreo Cheesecake and it can be considered a Mooncake rather than a Cheesecake. Whatever it is, you should be able to cut it and eat with your fingers rather than with a dessert spoon.
I was actually quite taken with the Cheesecake Mooncake. The cream cheese is just slightly salted so its got that nice savory sweet taste. D'bun's snowskin is nice and soft, but still gummy enough so you can chew on it. 4.25/5
 Mini Snow Skin Durian $26.80 (8 pieces)
Now, I have always been a firm believer that Durians should be eaten "Au Natural" and don't really like all the different variations of the fruit. But Mimi tells me that her durian mooncakes are made from 100% D24 Durians without the addition of any flour or cream. It was ok I guess, but I still prefer eating fresh durians. However, for those who don't like the smell of day old Durian lingering on their fingers, this might be a good way to enjoy the fruit. 3.75/5.
So do you think Mooncakes should be traditional or do you go for all these modern variations? And where are you all buying your Mooncakes this year?
D'bun 358 Joo Chiat Road S(427603) www.dbun.com.sg 63458220
Advertorial  The last time I had my cholesterol levels done, I found that my triglycerides were a little elevated. So I started taking Omega 3 fish oils which have been scientifically proven to lower triglyceride levels. Although triglycerides have not been shown to be a risk factor for cardiac disease, it is still prudent to keep the levels low as high levels may lead to other problems such as pancreatitis.
Nutritional supplements are useful to keep one in optimum health. It is true that you are what you eat. So for foodies who love to eat all the yummy hawker fare, it is good sometimes to stop and do a stocktake. Of course, the best way is to keep to a good balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables. However, sometimes it is hard to adhere to a strict diet, so that's where supplements can sometimes play a role. Personally, I don't get to eat a lot of fish, so a supplement of Omega 3 fish oil capsules is a convenient way to ensure that I take something useful to maintain my health.
Another useful supplement is glucosamine which has been proven to help people who have joint pains due to osteoarthritis. Glucosamine is a component of cartilage (soft bones) and medical professionals routinely prescribe it to patients suffering from degenerative joint problems.
You may also know of the benefits of Vit E as an antioxidant and its use in cosmetic products. Some research has also shown that a form of Vit E called tocotrienols are more potent in their antioxidant, cardioprotective and anti cancer effects than normal Vit E (tocopherols). Proponents of Anti-aging medicine advocate that anyone above the age of 40 should consider taking a daily supplement of tocotrienols to maintain a healthy heart as well as to prevent cancer.

These useful supplements are widely available in pharmacies. But, for those who prefer the convenience of buying your supplements online, you might like to check out Hovid.sg. Hovid is an established pharmaceutical company which operates their cGMP compliant manufacturing plant in Malaysia. In fact, I do order some of my generic drugs in the clinic from them, so it is a familiar brand name to professionals in the healthcare industry. Hovid also holds the patent on extraction of tocotrienols from palm oil and operates the largest integrated plant in the world for the extraction of this phytonutrient. Their tocotrienol products are also available for sale online under the brand name Tocovid.
The website is quite easy to navigate. It is very much like most online shopping sites. The items all come with a picture and price tag. Click on the tab to add to your shopping cart and then check out at the end. They charge $10 for delivery in Singapore so it makes sense to order in bulk. Few items that I checked out was Omega 3 and glucosamine.
So if you are an armchair shopper looking for some health supplements, you might like to check out their new website at: http://hovid.sg.
With Amagada If you are looking for a truly traditional Hokkien Mee, then this is the place to get it. It's got it all. The opeh leaf, the crunchy pork lard, boiled melt-in-your-mouth belly pork, cut chilli and most importantly, a stock made from Sea Prawns or "Sua Lor" as it is called in Hokkien. Yes, the taste of farmed prawns still fails to meet up to what God originally created prawns to taste like. When you bite into a "Sua Lor", you can immediately make out that extra sweetness in its flesh which you don't get with the farmed tiger prawns. And when they are used to make the stock, it adds that special old school taste to the Hokkien mee the fills the air with the aroma of anticipation when the Hokkien Mee is being fried.

Chomp Chomp is a Hokkien Mee lover's paradise. Aside from this particular stall and Ah Hock which I blogged about in the previous post, there is yet another stall which is a branch of the famous Kim's which is not bad, but it can never compare with these two owner run stalls.

I think that there are going to be fans of both Hokkien Mees here. I ate both at the same sitting and in my opinion, Che Jian edges out Ah Hock in terms of the taste of the noodles, the use of sea prawns, the addition of belly pork AND the fact that they have crispy pork lard when you request for it. So for that, it deserves a 4.5/5. And on top of that, their signboard is also quite old school, as is the old man's 555 all cotton T-shirt!
Two great hokkien mees in the one Food Centre! So how many are fans of Che Jian and how many of Ah Hocks?
Che Jian Fried Hokkien Mee Chomp Chomp Food Centre Left hand side towards the back Open 5.30pm till 1am
 Our Charity event was covered in Today's My Paper. Thanks again to everyone who contributed to the event! It really is a team effort! If you or your organization would also like to be involved in our future endeavours please do write in and let me know. You can view the photos of the event here
"I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." - Jesus
With Amagada Fans of Ah Hock Hokkien Fried Noodles at Chomp Chomp can rejoice as the Old Man who has been frying Hokkien Mee there for the last thirty years has finally come out of retirement and is now back in a frying frenzy. Chomp Chomp is one of those places that somehow still manages to keep its old world charm despite its recent renovations. The fact is that I haven't been to Chomp Chomp for at least 25 years, so actually I am not that familiar with the place. But, when I got there I could just feel the buzz in the air. Maybe it is just that it is cramped and looks as if there are too many stalls and too few seats. Or perhaps it is the sound of clanging woks and the extra saturated smell of frying food in a tight space that creates the atmosphere of intense anticipation. Whatever it is, hawker food needs to be eaten in a place such as this which is why it loses its charm when served in a Hotel.

Yes, there is that element of authenticity in the Hokkien Mee. It could be because it was fried by a man whose white hair was flying in the wind like a modern day Beethoven conducting a symphony or the queue of people waiting in line, but somehow all these visual cues also add to the whole Hokkien Mee experience.
Tastewise, it was very good. They use the thin bee hoon here and the noodles were very well fried. I was a little disappointed that there was no pork lard or pieces of pork belly which would have added that extra oomph. Otherwise it was a Hokkien Mee that I certainly wouldn't mind eating again. 4.25/5
So are you a fan of this Old Man? Let us know how long you have been eating there!
Ah Hock Fried Hokkien Noodles Chomp Chomp Food Centre Stall 27 Serangoon Gardens 5.30pm to 12 plus Closed once a fortnight
Now I have heard many of you boasting about how your moms make the best this and that. And I know also that some of you are also quite good cooks but though we can boast about mom, we have to be modest when it comes to our own skills. (Though you wouldn't mind someone else boasting on your behalf right?)
Well, it is time to put your money where your mouth is and at the same time render some support for SAGE (Singapore Action Group for the Elders). As part of the YMCA's Youth for Causes Challenge 2008, Team Goldenleap (Group of volunteers from NUS) is organizing a National Heritage competition where you all get to submit your favourite recipes for a competition. The 10 finalists will get to showcase their recipes at a Food Carnival on 14th September at the Scape Youth Park in Orchard. And your recipes will be published in a book for posterity.
In short, you just need to submit your recipe with a picture and tell them why the recipe is so unique. Of course, as with all competitions, there will be prizes but I think for most of you the satisfaction is to get recognition of mum's (or your own) recipe and have it preserved for future generations of Singaporeans to enjoy, and all for a good cause!
You can visit www.goldenleap-nhfc.com for competition details! So get cookin'!
Normal Chicken $26 whole, $13 halfI dare say that the legendary Swee Kee Chicken Rice served the "World Best" Chicken rice in their heyday. Actually, it is not that hard to be "World Best" since this style of Chicken Rice is typically Singaporean and if you are the best in Singapore, you would probably be the best in the world. But then, the rest of the world may not know how to appreciate it so there really is no point in calling it "World Best" in the first place. I guess it is just quite satisfying to say "World Best" just as it is quite shiok to say "Shiok"(It's so tasty) and "Wah lao eh!" (Oh my goodness!). Anyway, a stall calling itself "Old Swee Kee" is bound to attract the attention of chicken rice lovers who are today still reminiscing the "Golden Age" of Chicken Rice when Swee Kee was still around. There was no competition back then. If a tourist was in town and you wanted to showcase the best that Singapore had to offer, you brought them to Swee Kee. Of course, if your guest is very high class and you had a company account, you would bring him to Mandarin's Chatterbox. But for the typical kiasu, every want cheap-and-good Singaporean, Swee Kee was the place to go.
So when Cactuskit SMSed me excitedly one day (don't ask me how I can tell he is excited from an SMS - one just knows) that Swee Kee is back, it did not take me too long to go down to see for myself if indeed the legend has been resurrected.

To cut a long story short rather than prolonging the agony like Ryan Seacrest in American Idol and risk getting "Pui Chao Nua"(spat at in disgust), let me tell you that Swee Kee is sort of back but perhaps not in the way that is going to create the same excitement as when our Table Tennis Team beat South Korea and eventually won the Silver medal. Well done, Team Singapore! Ah Roo, Ah Roo, Ah Rooooooo!
OK, back to my story. Remember there was a stall I blogged before called Rui Kee at North Bridge Road who also claimed to have some Swee Kee Roots? Well, Rui Kee closed the North Bridge Road stall and reopened here in Joo Chiat under the new brand name "Old Swee Kee". Ooooohhhhh......... I hear you say. But all is not bad. The fact is that the Lao Ban Niang's husband used to work in the original Swee Kee and is the cousin of the owner. And, the last remnant of the Swee Kee brand up till now is the restaurant near Senai Airport also called Swee Kee Chicken Rice. This stall is actually run by the husband while his wife runs this new stall in Joo Chiat. So yes, Swee Kee is back but it is not really a "Resurrection from the Dead" like that of Chin Chin.

But that does not mean that you are not getting a great chicken rice experience. I was there within a week of their opening and even though they are still ironing out some operational details, I was pleasantly surprised by the chicken rice there which had that touch of old world authenticity.
The chicken was prepared the traditional way, which means no soaking in ice water after cooking. Instead it is dunked quickly into a little salt water and left on the tray to make sure all that yummy chicken juices don't get drained out. The flesh was tender and tasty without being overly "chickeny". Of course the skin was not as perfect as the ice water dunked ones but I must say that I am beginning to appreciate this style of chicken more and more. 4.25/5
The rice was not as fragrant as I liked. But I found out later from the Lao Ban Niang that they are still working on the cooking equipment as they did not managed to get the fire hot enough to fry the oil. They told me that it would be fixed by next week. 4/5

For the chilli, they have 2 varieties. The standard one shown in the middle and the special reserve version (front) which regulars and those in the know (like you) can request for. The special version is made from chilli padi and packs an extra punch. The ginger sauce is very good. Roughly chopped so that you still get the nice fibre and has enough bite to it.

One last thing I have to say about Old Swee Kee. For those of you who always have problems with friends insisting on eating Kampung chicken, you would be pleased to know that Old Swee Kee sells both types of chicken, so that everyone will be satisfied. Just for the record, they sell three normal chickens for every kampung chicken. So most people still prefer the soft, tender, voluptuous chicken rather than the sinewy Kampung Chicken! But hey, you have your right to like Kampung Chicken and I defend your right to like it even though I don't.
It isn't really Swee Kee resurrected, but it is still a great place to eat chicken rice. So, if you are a self professed chicken rice lover, I am sure you will make a beeline to the restaurant very soon, won't you?
Old Swee Kee 131 Joo Chiat Road (Jn of Joo Chiat Place & Joo Chiat Road) 64409037 11am to 10pm daily Closed fortnightly on Mondays
What to do next?
Go try some Presidential Poh Piah nearby Buy some Char Siew Sio Bak Pau home The Putu Piring place is also close by There's an excellent Prawn Mee around there too. Check out the rest of good eats by clicking on Joo Chiat label Look at the rest of Singapore's best Chicken Rice
If you have read about our Charity Makan Session, you would have realized that quite a few people were involved in the organization of the event. These people voluntarily give up their time and money to make the event a success and they are also the ones who seek out the best food to eat around Singapore and report them in our forum.
They are as much a part of ieatishootipost as I am, so today I just want to take the opportunity to introduce to you to the Ensemble Cast of ieatishootipost. I really depend on these guys to support me by recommending places to blog as well as sacrificing their calories to taste the food with me and adding their inputs to the blog as well as the forum.
So here they are in my particularly peculiar order:
Uncle smart has the best life. Semi retired, he just spends his time looking for food to eat! If you need a directory on Singapore food, make sure you get his hp number.
We call her the bottomless pit. If you are at dinner with her, make sure you get your share before she launches her assault. She never stops, even after dessert. She's our blog monitoress as well as forum moderator so don't play play.
We like to think of our "Big Ass Moderator" as the Simon Cowell of the blog. A serious foodie, his taste buds are hard to please and he is passionate about his food. Don't get him angry.... you won't like him when he is angry.
Owner of Good Morning Nanyang Cafe. I met liverpool when I first blogged his Cafe in the early days. Liverpool makes one of the best cups of kopi in Singapore but still drinks kopi from everywhere else! Go figure.
Grew up the son of a serious foodie, he probably ate all the best food in Singapore before he hit puberty. (or should I say, "in order to" hit puberty?) Damien seems to always know whatever is happening in the food scene. I met him when I blogged his stall last year. His rating system ranges from a "Cannot Make it" to "This is good leh" and anything in between gets a "Ok lah".
One of our latest 2nd gen kakis, Cactuskit is the king of the forum. He is a gentle giant who supports the gahment by having 4 kids (and counting?). Bit of an aunty killer, he works his way into the hearts of unsuspecting hawker aunties some of whom have adopted him as their godson.
We met at Astons by coincidence where he was one of the first to taste the newly created ieat Superburger. He was also one of the first ones to blog about ieatishootipost. An ardent foodie who does not compromise on taste, he and the holyfamily comprising his Holybunny and his Holybro can eat so much that one can only cry "Holy Macaroni!"
Don't be misled by her apparently genteel nickname, she can be quite opinionated, K?
Doesn't know the word STOP. Unlike the rest of us, Holybro still has room to grow and he is making use of that excuse to eat as much as he can.
A lady who keeps insisting that 45kg is fat (Well it is IF you are 1m tall, and she's not). If not for the fact that she still eats despite complaining, I would have diagnosed her with anorexia. Jems is out there to prove that one can still be a foodie but not like all the good stuff like lard and chicken skin. Jems is our food correspondent for the West and also our moderator in the forum.
Always on a lookout for good deals, Wahcow keeps our forum updated on all the latest specials from the magazines he reads, then complains that he can't keep up with his credit card payments. In which case his Cowpeh and Cowbu comes in to help chew the curd. He is another of our upcoming photographers so watch out for his pics on the blog.
Our resident Soya Bean expert and the forum's most eligible bachelor, he is known in the forum as Adonis, He-Man the Master of the Universe, and Captain Marvel! He is very much available but only if you are a Tau Huay, Tau Hu or Tau Nee. Tau Poks and Chao Tau Hus need not apply.
The woman who used to be known as winelearner. I guess she has learnt enough.
Fashionfoodie - A big name in the fashion industry, this Teochew ah Hia has access to all the gourmet food in Singapore, but still prefers to eat a simple steamed Peh Dor He anytime!
Amagada - The woman behind ieat
and the list continues......
New members keep getting added, so if you think that you would like to vicariously waste some calories for the benefit of others, then do join up at the forum and come for our next makan session!
What to do next?
Check out what these guys are up to by visiting the FORUM! See you there.
 Sun with Moon is the kind of place where I wish could be a little cheaper so that I can come back to eat more often. I think that about sums it up for me. I have heard so much about this place from the internet. The main highlights seemed to be the beef kamameshi, the hourglass sitting on top of it and the tofu cheesecake in a birdcage. So like any good foodie who has done his research on the internet, I came to Sun with Moon and made sure I ordered these dishes. The other thing was that they were having their anniversary celebrations and was offering 30% off everything in their menu which provided the impetus to go try it.
 Beef Kamemeshi $17
The Beef Kamemeshi was actually quite good. It is similar to your Gyudon (beef bowl) except that they serve it in an aluminium pot which they heat up so that the rice gets a little burnt at the bottom and sides ala claypot rice. So lovers of crispy burnt rice would be happy. Aside from that, the beef and sauce were very good and what I really enjoyed was the extra stuff they added like waterchestnuts and broadbeans. Overall, quite shiok. 4.25/5
By the way, we "Gei Kiang" (tried to be smart) and ordered the Beef with foie gras kamameshi which was not recommended by anyone on the internet. It turned out to be quite a disappointment. The foie gras was like the size of a carrom striker and hardly added any value to the dish except for the price! Just goes to show how important it is to do your research before going to any restaurant nowadays! 3/5
 Beef Sukiyaki $18
The beef sukiyaki was very nice except for the fact that they serve it with the beef already in the soup which resulted in it being overcooked when they served it. Otherwise the soup was very very good, one of the best I have tasted. Unfortunately the quality of the beef was not great considering the price tag.

As you can see it was not as marbled as the ones I usually get at Sushi Tei for a fraction of the price. I guess it was a matter of expectation exceeding the price thus resulting in disappointment in what should have been a good sukiyaki experience. 4/5
 Tofu Cheesecake $4.50
Now, I must say I was a little disspointed with the tofu cheesecake. Aside from the birdcage, I thought that the cheesecake was something I could get at a hospital canteen. Ok, it might not be as bad as that, but for all the fanfare, it certainly tasted quite ordinary to me. 3/5
Talking about the birdcage, I also felt that the hourglass was also just a gimmick rather than serving any purpose. In theory I suppose it is to prevent you from opening up the cover before the rice had some time to cook. But the fact is that the rice wasn't even sizzling hot when I got it. It was all "Jor Hee" (for show)
Even with a 30% discount, I felt that the meal cost more than the amount of satisfaction derived. This is a shame because the food and ambience at Sun with Moon is actually quite excellent. Others might feel that the slightly better food quality, service and ambience really does justify the higher price which might explain the long queue and the need to reserve a table if you are coming on a weekend. I guess it all boils down to how fat your wallet is and how much you are actually willing to spend on tantalizing your tastebuds.
Sun with Moon #01-170/71/72, 6 Eu Tong Sen Street, The Central Singapore 059817 Open 12pm to 12am
A big thank you to everyone who supported our 2nd Anniversary Charity Makan Session which was held at Aston's new restaurant at The Cathay. This year we are supporting the kids from Oakley Prison's Ministry. As you can see from the pictures, the kids really had a great day out. It really does warm the heart to see so many happy smiling faces!

I had the privilege of talking to this little girl who is looked after by her Grandma because her daddy is still awaiting release next year. Her mother had left her when she was still a baby, so Grandma is her sole caregiver. In order to keep things going, Grandma is still taking on oddjobs while she is at school. It was such a happy day for her as she seldom gets to eat out let alone watch a movie. It's all worth it if just for this one little girl, isn't it guys?
After the kids went off for their movie, our makan kakis were treated to a produce degustation courtesy of Greengrocer.com.sg. Boss Helene gave our kakis an introduction to gourmet produce from around the world. I think the only complaint that day was that there was too much to eat. (OK lah, that's better having to go for Hokkien Mee afterwards). By the time the ieatSuperburger MkII beta appeared, everyone was already so stuffed!
The auction went very well and everyone were in a charitable spirit. The biggest bid was $500 for the dinner for eight at Ya Kwang, by Nuffnang boss Ming. In all, we managed to raise another $8844 for the Oakley Prison's Ministry which will be used to buy other stuff that they need.
Praise God for bringing ieatishootipost to its 2nd year anniversary and for bringing so many kakis into our midst without whom the makan session would not be possible!
In particular I would like to thank:
Event Organizers: TauKwa who was in charge, Khim for registration and seating and Cactuskit for planning and photographing the session.
Our Volunteers: Cactuskitty, Smokedduck, Holydrummer, Holybro, Holybunny, Smart, Jems, liverpool, Champagne, sumosumo, toothangel and Amagada for helping out with all theother stuff.
Toothfairy and the Touch Soccer team for raising $1000 for the kid's goodie bags.
I would also like to thank our sponsors for making the event a great success!
 For providing the meals for the kids as well as our guests. Astons has donated all proceeds to Oakley. A big thanks to all the staff of Astons who also volunteered their time to serve the us and the kids! LINK
 For sponsoring the produce for our gourmet degustation. You can buy the produce we ate directly online by going to the greengrocer website: LINK
 For sponsoring the Movie Tickets and drinks for the kids. LINK
 For providing the mooncakes and donation of $500: LINK
 For sponsorship of the ieatishootipost T shirts: LINK
 Donation of the Powershot A590IS for the auction: LINK
 For donation of 30 complimentary tickets and drinks for the kids: LINK
 Donation of the Samsung lazerprinter for the auction: LINK
Ya Kwang Dai Pai Dong
Donation of a lavish dinner for eight: LINK
D!sh Pte Ltd For sponsorship of the Sicilian Cooking Class for 2. Tel: 65044030/98367653
Officers of 3rd Combat Support Hospital for their donation of $334
 Donation of a Creative Vado: LINK
Joey Kuan for donating stationaries for the kid's goodie bag.
Everyone who were unable to come but still sent their cheques and donations to the event!
Updated 2 Sep 2008
Just received another cheque for $500 from Hungrybear residing in Spain. That brings the total to $8844. Thanks Hungrybear!